Title 1 Family Engagement Policy

Bristol Township
School District
Mill Creek Elementary School
6501 Mill Creek Rd.
Levittown, PA 19057


Family Engagement Policy

revised: June 12, 2023  for School year 2023-2024

Reviewed, Revised and Updated on September 11th and 13th, 2023 for school year 2023-2024

Bristol Township Schools are committed to fostering and promoting family participation in our Title 1 programs.  In accomplishing this goal, Millcreek Elementary will encourage parent participation in the development of our district wide parent involvement plan, and in continuing to improve our family involvement activities in accordance with Section 1116 of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Section 1116(b).

Millcreek Elementary School Goals: 

1. Schedule parent/family meetings and activities. 

2. Survey both parents/students annually. 

3. Conduct Conferences and parent contacts during scheduled conference times and upon parent / Millcreek Title 1 teacher request.

Goal 1: Mill Creek Elementary will invite parents to annual Title I Family gatherings to ensure parent involvement in the decision making for our Title 1 programs, and to provide guidance in how to support their Title I child’s academic progress.

1. Letters of invitation to Title I families to be involved in the planning, reviewing and improvement of the school’s Parent and Family Engagement Policy.  (ESSA Policy, Section 1116(b)) via but not limited to : letters, emails, robo-call,  SMORE newsletters (CREEK Chronicles) and Talking Points. 

2. The school will convene an annual meeting, at a convenient time, which all parents and families of participating children shall be invited and encouraged to attend; information will be discussed to inform parents of their school’s participation in Title 1 and to explain the requirements, and the rights for parents to be involved.  (ESSA Section 116(c) (1).

3. Offer a variety of meetings at different times (both before and after school). (ESSA, Section 116(c) 

4. Establish Title I Parent Involvement in an organized, ongoing and timely way, in the planning, review and improvement of the Title 1 program, including the planning, review, and improvement of the school’s parent and family engagement program. (ESSA, Section 116c.  

5. Ensure that parents of  all children have the same access to parent information about the Title 1 program. (Parents may need information from their child’s case manager for special education or they may need information translated into their native language.  

6.  Provide parents of participating students with a description of the WIT and Wisdom, (95% percent)  HMH mathematics that is used at Mill Creek Elementary, as well diagnostic assessments (i-ready) and the MTSS process and  materials and training to support involvement in  their child’s academic achievement.  (Send home books/extra information upon request)

7. Enhance the awareness and continue to develop the skills of teachers, pupil services personnel, principals, and staff in communicating and working with parents as equal partners in their child’s education. Respond to parents' requests /suggestions as soon as possible.

8. Parents of Mill Creek Elementary School will involve parents and family members in the joint development of the Schoolwide Program Plan.  Parents will be encouraged to be active collaborators with teachers and administrators.  Parents will be encouraged to volunteer at the school and participate in various school meetings and functions as well as in the annual parent meeting. At the beginning of the school year, parents can attend the Family Engagement Night, and learn how to access the online volunteer forms if they need assistance.  

9. A school-parent compact will be jointly developed with parents and family members.  Parents, school staff and students will share responsibility for improved student academic achievement.  Parents will be provided real time access to their child’s attendance and academic standing (Infinite Campus), provide technical assistance as needed (secretary, admin building):  dissemination of state testing information (SMORES newsletter and on website), trimester report cards, bi-annual conferences (additional conferences as deemed necessary by the teacher or family prior to the end of the school year). Parents will also receive information to obtain clearances to volunteer in classrooms or at school functions as well as suggestions for positive use of extracurricular time. Parents will have an opportunity to observe classroom activities.  Meaningful Information between school staff and parents will be shared with families in a language that family members can understand. 

10.  Parents will receive assistance through (back to school nights, family engagement nights, websites) on understanding the state academic standards, local standards and ways to work with teachers to improve the achievement of their children. 

11. Parents will be invited to Family Engagement Nights to learn about technology, the curriculum, as well as ideas to help their children improve their children’s achievements, including the harms of copyright piracy, to foster parent involvement. 

12.  Teachers, specialized instructional support personnel as well as other staff and parents will receive ongoing professional development to improve collaboration amongst teachers and parents.   We will have a family engagement night in the fall to talk to parents about curriculum and technology and provide a chance for parents to ask questions and/or give suggestions to their child’s education.   The engagement night will  build ties between parents, family members and the school.   There will also be other opportunities throughout the school year to build on partnerships between parents and teachers. 

13.  . Provide outreach and transition plans for incoming kindergarteners and new students and their parents.  Including:  kindergarten screenings with welcome packets, summer boot camps, and kindergarten orientation. All students will participate in a move up day information session in the spring.  

14.  The school will ensure that information sent to parents through (letters, emails, phone calls, talking points, etc..) is sent in a format that is clear and concise.  This includes sending information via the native language of the parents.  

Goal 2: Mill Creek Elementary will conduct evaluations on all aspects of our Title I Program to

ensure that we are meeting the needs of all families in supporting their child’s academic success.

1. Survey both parents and students to assess areas of strength and identify barriers

to parental involvement. Use this assessment in making recommendations to individual schools, specialists, teachers, etc. 

2. Continue to collect parent participation data through the use of parent sign-ins for workshops, meetings and or conferences.

Goal 3: In order to build a strong partnership with each child’s family, Mill Creek Elementary

staff will ensure open lines of communication in sharing student progress through the use of the following:

1. Allot time for parent-teacher conferences. Conferences will take place in the fall and spring. 

2. Information to parents in a clear and concise manner about curriculum, events and ways to be involved in their child’s education. .

3. Family events that include fun activities for parents and students as well as information to help with accessing technology to check their students progress and attendance in real time and information about PSSAs, MTSS, standards and curriculum. 


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