If you have already created an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account and are having trouble signing in please contact the school secretary.
Homeroom Teacher:
Student Name:
Parent Name:
Activation Key:
From the BTSD main page, click on tab that says Parents, then Parent Portal
- To create your portal account for the first time, choose the link ---If you have been assigned a Campus Portal Activation Key.
- At next screen enter your Activation Key that was assigned to you, then press Submit
- At next screen, you are now ready to create your Portal account. We encourage you to select a unique Username and password that you will use for Portal access. Passwords must include letters and numbers and must be at least 8 characters in length. When completed click Create Account.
- If your portal account can’t be created please contact your child’s school
- After successful activation please update the information on the Family and User Account sections of Parent Portal screen if needed. Any questions/concerns with demographics please contact your child’s school.
- Also there is an app available for infinite campus—search appropriate app store
How to Update Parent/Guardian Contact Information in Parent Portal
Parents/Guardians – Please verify the accuracy of your email addresses and phone numbers for each upcoming school year on the parent portal.
- Log on to the Infinite Campus Portal (If you are having trouble logging in, please contact your child’s school.)
- Select “More” on the right side of the menu bar.
- Select “Family Information.”
- Click the “Update” button for each of the PARENTS/GUARDIANS ONLY and edit the phone numbers and/or email address fields.
- Click the blue “Update” button to save changes.
- Please DO NOT update any student information.