School's message


Mill Creek Elementary

Please review the snack policy here.

Please review the student handbook/code of conduct online which can be found here and sign the verification form that is being sent home.
Please check the staff pages for additional classroom information and the PTC page for school happenings


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
311April 02, no eventsApril 03, no eventsApril 04, no eventsApril 05, no eventsApril 06, no events
April 07, no events8April 09, no events10April 11, no eventsApril 12, no eventsApril 13, no events
April 14, no eventsApril 15, no events16April 17, no events18April 19, no eventsApril 20, no events
April 21, no events2223242526April 27, no events
April 28, no events2930123May 04, no events

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